In 1996-97 the Circle of the Survey, under the direction of A.K. Sinha, assisted by Narayan Vyas, Manuel Joseph, K.K. Rai, Nitin Shrivastava, Virendra Singh and Sanjay Shrivastava, resumed excavations at KTR-3 and KTR-4. KTR-4 is located on a flat terrain in the outskirts of the village. KTR-4 is located on the right bank of Asan river. In KTR-3 from bottom upwards, Period-I was represented by a pre- PGW stratum identifiable with black-and-red ware, black-slipped ware and dull wares with cord impressions, hi the limited area excavated at the depth only a few random post-holes could be identified. On examination of the natural soil the amelioration of aridity, which served as an impetus for the earliest settlers could be understood by the superimposition of lacustrine sediments on the semi-arid sandy calcretion layer. In Period-II the continuation of the above mentioned pottery along with the PGW, shows continuity. A large number of post-holes, frequent burning activity besides crude iron objects, were also observed. Significantly, NBPW which forms the hallmark pottery of Period-Ill is found from the middle of Period-II. However, Period- III is delineated by the absence of PGW. Whereas the black-and-red ware, black-slipped ware continue. This period inclusive of the Mauryan deposit therefore, contains red wares with loop-handle, lug-handle and round collared-rim with lip. Houses were made of stones, bound by mud-mortar. Wattle-and-daub residential structures were also observed.

In Period IV besides the obvious changes in pottery from the Sunga to Kushan stratum, the sudden disappearance of black-and-red ware, black-slipped ware is noteworthy. The structural activity continued in stone although wattle-and- daub houses were also common. In the early part of this period, the village was engulfed by a conflagration as seen by burnt wattle-and-daub walls noticed in KTR-3 and KTR- 4. The Period V has yielded Gupta period remains, prominent among them are sealings, sprinklers and beads at KTR-3, the habitational endeavours were again taken up only in the medieval period when isolated hutments in stone were made.

KTR-4 has also the same sequence of culture. In Period I however, the strata yielded a few microlithic blades and debitage. Also remarkable in Period III strata is the finding of mud-bricks and greater density of ring-wells compared to KTR-3. In KTR-4 the Period VI is very vibrantly marked by the presence of stone and lime-mortar structures. The floor and the walls were also plastered with lime. Pieces of glazed ware besides Ming blue and white porcelain was also found. In this site from Period III onwards a large number of bone points and iron objects were found. Beads and bangles in diverse material increase in number in the later cultures.

Excavation at Surya Tekri was also taken up keeping in view the local legend that Pandava's mother Kunti had invited the Sun god at this spot. However, it could be affirmed on the basis of the pottery and antiquities mainly comprising broken terracotta figurines and beads that the structure might have been built not earlier than the fourth-fifth century.